Table of Content
- Player = A catch-all term for all members of the server, regardless of position and tasks.
- Member A visitor, guest or member of the server not tasked with administrative tasks.
- Staff = A team member of the server tasked with administrative tasks.
- Gamemaster/GM = A player tasked with creating roleplay events and guiding roleplay.
- In-Character = Actions as the player’s character, from hereinafter known as “IC”.
- Out-of-character = Actions outside of the roleplay, from hereinafter known as “OOC”.
- Every player or staff must be treated with respect and equally at all times.
- No player shall be deprived of possibilities, inclusion or other aspects due to their gender, religion, sexual identity or beliefs.
- Names on discord or other STMC platforms should be appropriate and must not be insulting, inappropriate or violate (1) 1 in any way. It is recommended to change their discord server name to their character name.
- Spam is not allowed. Spamming is defined by sending the same or similar message or content repeatedly in a short or regular time frame.
- Advertisement of other (Star Trek) projects, videos or other content not related to Star Trek MC is prohibited. If uncertain, contact a staff member before posting!
- Client modifications that provide an unfair advantage are prohibited.
- The life of your character is the highest good and must be protected at all costs. You should act in a way that does not put your character’s life in unnecessary danger of life or bodily injury. (Fear-RP)
- Roleplay actions must be life-oriented.
- If a player is put into such a situation, it must have a roleplay background and be absolutely necessary to accomplish the mission goal. Players that are in command of a mission must attempt to seek out a way that poses the least possible danger while still accomplishing the mission goal and escalate it accordingly.
- The usage of roleplay information gained through external sources that are not marked as roleplay access (rpa) is prohibited. (Meta-Gaming)
- Some roleplay relevant information found externally (i.e. on discord, other content) and is marked as rolepaly access (abbr. rpa) may be used in roleplay.
- Example: Watching a livestream of a fellow player, who is currently hiding from the player. The player sees the location of the hider on stream and uses it ingame to find the hider.
- Players are expected to roleplay as Starfleet Officers. As such, they must behave in a manner consistent with what is expected of a Starfleet Officer in Star Trek series and movies. Violations of this rule will be considered fail rp.
- Corrupt roleplay needs to be approved by Staff. If a player wishes to play a corrupt starfleet officer, they must seek permission from staff. The player will then receive an outline of what they can and cannot do. Corrupt roleplay may also be denied. This is a case-to-case decision.
- Players may not be in an external voice communication software during roleplay. They may not plan, coordinate or exchange roleplay actions through external communication sources. Everything related to IC matters and plans must be coordinated in the server while being IC.
- Staff are exempt to this rule, only when observing roleplay to ensure its quality, immersion or consistency. When they are taking part in roleplay, they must also not be in an external voice communication software.
- Roleplay situations must always be concluded. Players shall not leave the server prior to concluding a situation in roleplay. (Escape RP)
- If a player needs to leave due to a real life matter or emergency, they may disconnect prior to the conclusion of a situation. However, staff should be informed at the earliest possibility to avoid sanctions.
- Escaping roleplay situations by disconnecting to avoid IC consequences is prohibited.
- If the player’s game crashes and they rejoin right after, it is not considered escape rp. If the game crashes and cannot be restarted in time due to technical issues, staff should be informed to avoid sanctions.
- Purposely not rejoining after the character received IC consequences is also considered as escape roleplay.
- In-character (IC) insults are tolerated on a certain level. If characters cannot stand each other and an insult would be realistic in that situation, it is permitted. However, they must comply with title 1 paragraph 1. As such, insults should not be of the following nature, but is not limited to:
- Pertaining to OOC aspects of a player (e.g. roleplay abilities, disabilities in general, etc.)
- Racist, sexist, national socialistic or human demeaning in any other way.
- Bug exploitation is prohibited.
- If a player discovers a bug during roleplay, it must be reported to staff as soon as possible.
- The bug must not be exploited for personal benefit or other reasons.
- Trolling is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Trapping other players (e.g. opening and closing doors in front of them, so they cannot pass or building traps for players)
- Making false statements to confuse players or roleplay parties that are not involved with the ongoing roleplay session (e.g. falsely relaying information that has not been provided by the gamemaster).
- If the player wishes to use the Star Trek MC uniform skin template (with their own head and respective department color) as their skin, they are exempt from wearing the armor.
- Example: A GM hosts a roleplay session about a computer virus disabling the whole ship. Suddenly, player P miraculously somehow scans a borg cube approaching.
- Fail-RP: Every player shall play their character according to their defined characteristics and abilities. The choices made by the character should reflect themselves and their background. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- A shy and introverted character would not suddenly be extroverted at a party and speak with many strangers or rush into unknown situations. For them to be able to do this, they would have to undergo a character’s journey and development.
- Behave realistically. Do not jump, run or fly around on the bridge or other locations during roleplay, when it is not necessitated by the situation.
- For example: Cutting off extremities, giving a player a tattoo or performing impossible actions.
- Surnames (e.g. Kirk) are always blocked for characters. Given names (e.g. James) are generally allowed, but may be denied on a case-by-case basis.
- Promotions and the requirements are primarily handled through in-character policies.
- Department heads have the authority to promote subordinates to one rank below their own. Promotions have to be coordinated with the executive and commanding officer.
- Promotions may not be granted out of solidarity or personal relationships, but only due to performance, activity and competence.
- If a player feels treated unfairly, they may consult staff.
- Any promotions to ranks below Lieutenant Commander are handled by the department head. Promotions in that span must only be reported to, but not necessarily approved by command staff. However, command staff may deny the promotion with good reason.
- Promotions to or above Lieutenant Commander need to be approved by command staff.
- A player cannot be demoted below Crewman 3rd Class.
- Rank slots are limited to:
- 4 Commander
- 10 Lieutenant Commander
- 20 Lieutenants
- Infinite Lieutenant Jr. Gr.
- Infinite Ensigns
- There are no limited slots to enlisted ranks.
- Slots can be adjusted based on crew size & activity.
Title 4 - Faction Rules
- Faction leaders are the executive officer and commanding officer. They are also considered command staff.
- Usually a character that ranks Commander (XO) and Captain (CO).
- A player must not necessarily be a staff member to be a faction leader.
- The starfleet faction is divided into departments. Each department has their own department heads and responsibilities. The divisions are:
- Command: Contains command officers (XO and CO), strategic officers and helm officers.
- Tactical: Contains tactical officers.
- Security: Contains tactical officers.
- Engineering: Contains engineers officers.
- Operations: Contains engineers and operational officers.
- Medical: Contains medics.
- Science: Contains scientists.
- The department head needs to be a Lieutenant Commander or higher. The deputy department head needs to be a Lieutenant or Lieutenant Commander.
- Staff may sanction or remove faction leaders, if the faction leader cannot control their personnel and are not acting appropriately as a faction leader.
- Department heads have similar responsibilities to their department as the faction leaders.
- Faction leaders and department heads must be approachable via discord for questions by their subordinates.
- Staff contains community members, who are entrusted with moderating, developing and observing the community. They hold special permissions in order to enforce server rules.
- Community Members can become staff through special recruitment cycles or through appointment by the server administration.
- Staff Members must abide by internal rules and guidelines.
- Instructions, punishments and actions issued by staff must be obeyed. No argumentation should be made with a staff member in a public or private setting.
- If a player deems their punishment as unfair, unfounded or are unhappy with it, they need to submit a punishment appeal and/or file a staff complaint with the staff manager.
- Staff Members must clearly communicate what,why and how long punishment is issued. That communication is only made privately (in a support ticket) with the community member. Never in a public setting.
- Breaking any of these rules will result in a temporary ban. The player is then summoned to open a ticket on the discord. The support staff will explain the ban reasoning to the player and in return, the player then has the opportunity to produce a statement of their action. Afterwards, the ban duration is announced by the support staff.
- The duration of the ban starts after it was announced in the ticket, not at the day of the ban issuance.
- The punishment will not inflict on the player’s in-character career. Staff will inform the respective department heads that the player is not able to attend roleplay within their ban duration and no in-character disciplinary action may follow.
Staff will not disclose details to the department head. However, server administration reserves the right to change the player’s in-character career, if deemed necessary based on the original offense.
- The server administration reserves the right to permanently exclude (ban) players from the project.
- Staff Members, who actively partake in roleplay or other activities on the server, are not exempt from these rules.
- Staff Members hold no special power in roleplay as their characters. They abide by the starfleet hierarchy based on their rank and position.
- If, however, a staff member fills a role for roleplay purposes (i.e. an Admiral), regular starfleet rules apply.
- If a staff member intervenes in the roleplay based on the offence, they must be obeyed.
- If the complaint is about the staff manager (or another manager), the complaint may directly be addressed to the server administration.
- The server administration and staff manager have the right to dismiss a staff member from duty for good reason.
- Staff Members, who are in the support division, are expected to moderate the community channels. This includes managing messages and if necessary, issue time-outs, mutes or bans on the community discord.