Not to worry, players have questions regularly. This is why we wrote down our answers to the questions that are asked most or are most relevant to a good playing experience. If your question is not found here, feel free to open a support ticket on our discord and ask us.
When do you release?
We are currently still in development of the server. We are reworking the roleplay construct. This does take a bit of time, so we cannot give an exact release date just yet. If you want to stay updated, feel free to join our discord to stay updated.
How does the roleplay work?
Essentially a player creates their own character with a background story. They can choose their species, name, age, gender and background. Currently they can only join the Starfleet faction, however, in the future other Star Trek factions will be added. They run through starfleet academy, which teaches both in-character aspects (Starfleet procedures, etc.) and out-of-character technical information (how to switch channels, terms, etc.). Gamemasters will host missions, where all players come together to roleplay the mission as a starfleet crew in their respective positions. When there is no roleplay event happening, players are encouraged to roleplay with other players and push their individual character and career arc forward.
How to get started?
You will have to join our discord. On there, you will find the next steps. Essentially, you need to create your character with a good background story and sign up for your first academy lesson. Before that, you will have to join the server to enroll your character in starfleet. You will be guided through enrolment by a tutorial. After you complete all academy courses, you will be promoted to Ensign and assigned to the starship.
How can I help?
You can help us by letting your Star Trek friends know about this server, so they can join our community. You can also help us by becoming a Gamemaster or even staff member. If you're interested in that, open a ticket on our discord.