Our definition of roleplay!
The team of Gamemasters is constantly working on new, exciting roleplay events that players can attend and enlive a completely unique starfleet mission or a TV Show inspired mission. Gamemasters are players, who want to lead and organize their own events. Our roleplay happens around 2385 and it's based off of canon events, however from 2385 on forward, we build our own storyline.
Essentially a player creates their own character with a background story. They can choose their species, name, age, gender and background. Currently they can only join the Starfleet faction, however, in the future other Star Trek factions will be added. They run through starfleet academy, which teaches both in-character aspects (Starfleet procedures, etc.) and out-of-character technical information (how to switch channels, terms, etc.). Gamemasters will host missions, where all players come together to roleplay the mission as a starfleet crew in their respective positions. When there is no roleplay event happening, players are encouraged to roleplay with other players and push their individual character and career arc forward.
The Character
Every player acts as one character. They can define their background story, race, gender, age and experience. It is important that the player fleshes the character a bit out, meaning the character has hobbies, habits and other characteristics that a person would have. What they are is totally up to the player. However, it is important that the player never breaks their character when being ingame. That means that they will never say anything about the real world or this game. For example: "Oh, my game is lagging" or "my texture pack isn't working" would not be okay to write.
Roleplay Terms
These are explanations of our terms. The exact definitions are listed in our rules.
- IC = In-Character. This contains every action that happens in roleplay. For example: "Doe to Kirk, tell me the time."
- OOC = Out-of-Character. This contains every thing that happens outside of roleplay. For example, update announcements, rule changes, etc.
- GM = Gamemaster. These people host and plan events for all players.
- NLRP = New Life Roleplay. This means that if a player respawns after an unconsciousness, they cannot remember the exact details that led up to that circumstance. The player can remember it indistinctively or certain parts of it. Memories can be brought back through therapy or other coping methods.
- Fear RP = Players should always act in a manner that protects their character's life and healthiness. If risks are taken, they need to have a roleplay background and reasoning.
- Meta-Gaming = Meta Gaming is if a player uses an information obtained outside of roleplay (OOC) (e.g. through a discord announcement).
- Fail RP = Players must act in a way that is consistent with their character and their personality.
- Escape RP = Players need to finish roleplay situations to their end. This means they cannot leave the game in the middle of an away mission. We understand that real life happens, so if a situation occurs that warrants an immediate leaving of the player, they need to inform our support team after so to avoid any posssible punishments
- Random Deathmatch (RDM) = Players may not randomly attack and/or kill another player without a plausible roleplay background. Phasers or other weapons may not be used outside of IC regulations.
- Power Gaming = Players may not force any action or consequence on another player that is irreversible.